October 2019 Diplomate Newsletter
Highlights include: Meet ABFAS' New Secretary/Treasurer, New Find a Surgeon Feature Highlights DPM's Certification, ABFAS Thanks Marty Pressman, DPM, and Ron Ray, DPM, for Their Commitment to the Profession, Exam Registration Opens for the Recertification and Self-Assessment Exams, and #footfirst.
September 2019 Resident Newsletter
Highlights include: Overview of ABFAS Board Certification, In-Training Examination Prep, 2020 Conferences, and #footfirst.
August 2019 Board Qualified Newsletter
Highlights include: ABFAS' Board of Directors Elects New Officers, ABFAS Sits Down With Dr. Michelle Butterworth - Newly Elected to the Board of Directors, Annual Fee Information, Case Log Requirements, Introducing ABFAS Podcasts, 2020 Conferences, and #footfirst.
August 2019 Resident Newsletter
Highlights include: ABFAS Board of Directors Elects New Officers, Be Prepared for Your Upcoming In-training Exam, In-training Exam Scheduling, What is CBPS?, and #footfirst.
July 2019 Resident Newsletter
Highlights include: ABFAS Sits Down With Dr. Michelle Butterworth, Newly Elected to the Board of Directors, Preparing for the Part I Board Qualification Didactic Exams, Introducing ABFAS Podcasts, PRR Logging FAQs, and #footfirst.