Next Steps in Becoming Board Certified

Congratulations! Becoming ABFAS Board Qualified is a major milestone in your journey toward ABFAS Board Certification. Here are the next steps in your journey:

Start Logging Cases


Following the successful achievement of Board Qualified status, you have seven years to pass ABFAS Case Review. This is the final step towards becoming ABFAS Board Certified. 

Documenting your patient encounters in the way that is consistent with ABFAS Case Review begins with your very first patient. Now that you have completed residency, you should start logging all post-residency cases for which you are the surgeon of record into the Podiatry Logging Service (PLS). Log into PLS using your ABFAS username and password. You may log cases performed in a fellowship program, as long as you were surgeon of record.

Once you have met quantity and diversity requirements, you will be eligible to register for Case Review.


Promote Your Status

ABFAS Board-qualified DPMs may use the term “ABFAS Board Qualified” or “ABFAS Board Eligible” in advertising or public-facing communication—including business cards, letterhead, email footers, websites, and biographical information, curricula vitae, job applications, and other documentation that may be viewed within the profession or by the public—in accordance with the Advertising Policies for ABFAS Board-qualified DPMs document.

Pay the Annual Fee

To cover administrative costs of the ABFAS Board Certification process, ABFAS requires an annual fee for Board Qualified and Board Certified DPMs. The board qualified annual fee for 2024–25 is $205.

Update Your Directory Address


Log into your ABFAS profile to ensure your professional information is up to date, including your practice name and address in the “Directory Address” section. If you practice at more than one facility, make sure to list your website too.

The information in this section helps prospective patients find ABFAS Board Qualified and Board Certified DPMs when they use the Find a Surgeon feature on the ABFAS website.


File an Extension, If Needed

Life happens. Whether you have started a family, lost a job, or experienced hardship, the ABFAS Extension Policy allows candidates in their final year of Board-qualified status who have extenuating circumstances to request additional time to pursue board certification.