Part I Qualification Exam Scoring
Interpreting the ABFAS Qualification Examination Scores
Results Notification: ABFAS will notify candidates via email when it posts examination results on the candidate’s profile page. Results are available approximately 6-8 weeks after the final day of each examination period.
Score Reports: ABFAS provides Score Reports to candidates who do not pass their examinations. Candidates can download their reports from their profile page. Sign-in with your ABFAS user name and password using the "Login" button at the top of the webpage. If you need password assistance, you will find it on the "Login" page.
Scaled Scores
ABFAS reports didactic and NEW CBPS examination scores as scaled scores rather than raw scores or percent correct. The scale range is 200-800. Examinations are not scored on a curve.
Minimum Passing Score
The ABFAS Board of Directors sets the minimum passing score for each examination at 500.
An independent psychometric consultant leads an expert panel of ABFAS Diplomates in standard-setting studies to make the passing scores recommendations to the Board. All candidates that meet or exceed the minimum passing score of 500, will pass the examination.
Score Reports
Score reports contain two types of scoring information: Total Score and Subject Area.
Total Score is the scaled numeric score, aggregated from performance across the entire exam. This is the score that determines Pass/Fail outcomes.
Subject Area Scores are indicated as Fail, Low Pass, or High Pass. Subject area scores assess relative strength in the subject areas.
The didactic examinations also include a numeric scaled score for each subject area. Due to the small number of questions in each area, individual subject area scores have lower reliability than the total score and should be interpreted with caution. The total score is not simply the sum, nor average, of the numeric subject area scores, because subject areas are weighted differently.
Issues with Examinations
- Please email immediately if you have any questions or concerns about an examination you have taken.
- Candidate concerns are addressed as part of the routine examination scoring process.
- An independent psychometric consultant rescores and reviews all failed examinations prior to ABFAS releasing results.
- ABFAS staff cannot discuss your results with you or anybody else.
- ABFAS does not release copies of the test items nor does it review test items with candidates.