Exam Dates
ABFAS Statement on 2025 APMA House of Delegates Propositions
This weekend, the APMA House of Delegates will vote on several propositions that seek to split the autonomy of the Council on Podiatric Medical Education. ABFAS leadership will attend to share our concerns.
ABFAS Board Appoints Interim CEO to Succeed Retiring CEO Kathy Kreiter
The ABFAS Board of Directors has appointed Thomas E. Harlow, CAE, CPA, to serve as interim CEO during the search process to replace retiring CEO/Executive Director Kathy Kreiter.
ABFAS Board Begins Search for New CEO/Executive Director
The ABFAS Board of Directors announces the search process to replace retiring CEO/Executive Director Kathy Kreiter, who has served the organization and the profession for the past 10 years.